Care of your Scottish Bog Wood Sculpture
All the ancient wood that my sculptures are formed from has been cured in the open air for at least four years, subjected to sun, rain, wind, frost and snow. This process should ensure that the sculpture does not crack once finished and displayed.
However, I recommend that you site your sculpture away from radiators, fires and windows as extreme temperature and light conditions sometimes may alter your sculpture. The best place to site your sculpture is in a cool room out of direct sunlight.
Once completed all my sculptures are treated with Clear Briwax (a blend of Bees wax and Carnauba waxes) which gives a natural sheen, however this sheen may fade over time.
It is recommended re-applying Clear Briwax approximately once every four months. This treatment prevents excessive drying out of the wood and reduces but sometimes cannot completely prevent cracking or widening of existing cracks.
Enjoy your sculpture, appreciate it’s mood and shape change with the long shadows of the early morning and late evening.
Slainte mhath
Iain Davidson